About AGA
The Australian German Association Inc (AGA) was formed in 1974 by a group of senior Australian business people who recognised the growing economic significance of the Federal Republic of Germany, to Australia. In particular, they noticed its importance in the areas of trade and investment.
A sister organisation, the Deutsch-Australische Gesellschaft, was formed in Germany at the same time. It has now become the Ostasiatischer Verein (OAV) (formerly the Australien-Neuseeland Verein e.V (ANV)). Every two years, the Australia-Germany Business Conference is held in either Germany or Australia.
The formation of the AGA reflected a need for senior Australian business people to be better acquainted with their counterparts in Germany and, in so doing, gain a clearer understanding of the way business is done in that country, and how the economy is progressing, as well as the way management is structured within German organisations. By operating on an informal basis, the AGA has become a vehicle through which these objectives can be achieved, and this applies equally to German business people keen to learn something more about their Australian counterparts.
Since its formation, the AGA has been active in providing a suitable forum for visitors from either country to meet with nationals of the host country, often over a dinner or luncheon. The AGA has played host to a large number of visitors from Germany, occupying positions of responsibility and influence in areas of government, industry, commerce, banking, trade unions and culture.
By operating on an informal basis, the AGA has become a vehicle through which senior Australian business people can become better acquainted with their counterparts in Germany.
Peter Dreher, AGA Executive Officer